More people than you might imagine can avail themselves of the rights of European Citizenship
I wrote this article in 2014. Despite temptations to bring it up to date, I leave it here as it was then written. It is even more poignant now that many of us are soon to have our cherished European Citizenship taken away. Freedom of movement within the European Union, that David Cameron and his friends are challenging, is a fundamental right of a European citizen. Some 2 million UK citizens are currently using this right to live in other EU countries. There are, however, more people than you might imagine who, actually or potentially, are able to avail themselves of this right. This arises because of the quirks in the nationality laws of individual member states. I was in Goa for of the feast of St Francis-Xavier last year. There was much talk in town - and articles in the local newspapers - about dual nationality, something Indian citizenship law does not (in a strict sense) permit, but which many in Goa seek. Until 1961, when India invaded and annexed it, Goa wa...