Breb: A Travel Essay
This article was published by Hungarian Review in its March 2018 issue (Volume IX, No. 2) One of the many memorable scenes in Patrick Leigh Fermor's wonderful Between the Woods and the Water involves a haystack, laughter and "those marvellous girls". Then without exchanging another word we struck out for the shore [of the river where he and István had been swimming naked] as fast as crocodiles and, tearing at poplar twigs and clumps of willow-herb, bounded up the bank. Gathering armfuls of the sheaves, the girls ran into the next field, then halted at the illusory bastion of a hay-rick and waved their sickles in mock defiance. The leafy disguise and our mincing gait as we danced across the stubble unloosed more hilarity. They dropped their sickles when we were almost on them, and showered us with the sheaves; then ran to the back of the rick. But, one armed though we were, we caught them there and all four collapsed in a turmoil of hay and barley and laughter. ...